A little about me...

Hi! I'm the proud owner and operator of Moon Acre Crafts, a little business I've started. I've always loved to make things with my hands whether it was knitting, crochet, jewelry, painting, etc. and since I've been getting more confident in myself as a practitioner of the witchy and pagan ways that I've been following for years, I thought this would be an excellent way to bring my experience into mix of it all.

I am a practicing Celtic pagan and eclectic mage as well, and I've always used my craft and skills to help those around me. All of my items are made with the intention of utilizing colors and other elements of their designs to bring out the best possible results. Color magik, for example, is one of my favorite things and works with literally everything! And with my divination and sigil work, I always go as in depth and as personalized as I can to get my clients/customers the best readings that I can. Not to brag too much, but my readings have yet to be wrong and my clients have been very pleased with their readings. But, I am always learning and growing in my practice so I do my best to hone my skills regardless.

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